Dynamical Systems
Problem Formulation
Consider a system shown in Figure 1. The state space model of the system is given as:
\mathbf{x}_k &= f(\mathbf{x}_{k - 1}, \mathbf{u}_{k - 1}) + \mathbf{w}, \quad &&\mathbf{w} \in \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{Q}_k) \\
\mathbf{z}_i &= h_i(\mathbf{x}_i) + \mathbf{v}, \quad && \mathbf{v} \in \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{R}_i).
Solving with Factor Graph
Let \(\mathbf{X}\) denote the set of all possible \(\mathbf{x}\) and \(\mathbf{Z}\) denote the set of all possible measurements \(\mathbf{z}\) such that:
\mathbf{X} &\triangleq \left\{\mathbf{x}_0, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_N \right\} \\
\mathbf{Z} &\triangleq \left\{\mathbf{z}_0, \ldots, \mathbf{z}_N \right\}.
Then the conditional probability without adding the dynamics is:
p(\mathbf{X} | \mathbf{Z}) &=
\prod^N_{i = 0} \exp \left\{-\frac{1}{2} \left( (h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i)^T \mathbf{R}^{-1}_i (h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i) \right) \right\}.
An estimator can be found with:
\hat{\mathbf{x}} &= \arg \max_{\mathbf{x}} \prod^n_{i = 0} \exp \left\{-\frac{1}{2} \left( (h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i)^T \mathbf{R}^{-1}_i (h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i) \right) \right\} \\
&= \arg \max_{\mathbf{x}} \sum^n_{i = 0} \ln \exp \left\{-\frac{1}{2} \left( (h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i)^T \mathbf{R}^{-1}_i (h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i) \right) \right\} \\
&= \arg \min_{\mathbf{x}} \sum^n_{i = 0} ||h_i(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{z}_i||^2_{\mathbf{R}_i}.
Combining the conditional probability with a probabilistic motion model, we get:
p(\mathbf{X} | \mathbf{Z}) &=
\prod^N_{i = 0} \exp \left\{-\frac{1}{2} \left( (h_i(\mathbf{x}_i) - \mathbf{z}_i)^T \mathbf{R}^{-1}_i (h_i(\mathbf{x}_i) - \mathbf{z}_i) \right) \right\} \\
\ &\times
\prod^N_{k = 1} \exp \left\{ -\frac{1}{2} \left(f(\mathbf{x}_{k - 1}, \mathbf{u}_{k - 1}) - \mathbf{x}_k \right)^T \mathbf{Q}^{-1}_k \left(f(\mathbf{x}_{k - 1}, \mathbf{u}_{k - 1}) - \mathbf{x}_k \right) \right\}.
Then we get:
\hat{\mathbf{X}} = \arg \min_{\mathbf{X}}
\sum^N_{i = 0} ||h_i(\mathbf{x}_i) - \mathbf{z}_i||^2_{\mathbf{R}_i} +
\sum^N_{k = 1} ||f(\mathbf{x}_{k - 1}, \mathbf{u}_{k - 1}) - \mathbf{x}_k||^2_{\mathbf{Q}_k}.