Least Squares
Problem Statement
Consider a set of
The least squares method finds the optimal parameter values by minimizing objective function defined as the sum of the squared residuals:
Solving Least Squares
The solution to the least squares problem is a a solution to an optimization problem:
This is the nonlinear least squares problem. If the functions
Relationship to MLE
Note here that there is no assumption about the measurement noises
then the least squares estimator coincides with the MLE under these assumptions. In this case:
The likelihood function of
Parametric Model and Alternative Formulation
In the context of regression analysis or data fitting, we can formulate the problem differently. Consider a set of
Assume that the model function has the form
The least squares method minimizes objective function defined as the sum of the squared residuals:
The minimum of the objective function is found by setting the gradient to zero. Since the model contains
The minimum of the objective function is found by setting the gradient to zero. Since the model contains
This is particularly useful for polynomial fitting.