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Column and Constraint Generation

Column Generation

Consider a master problem:

\[ \begin{align} (MP) \quad \min \quad& \sum^N_{j = 1} c_j x_j \\ \quad\text{s.t.} \quad& \sum^N_{j = 1} \mathbf{A}_j x_j = \mathbf{b} \\ & x_j \geq 0, \quad \forall i = 1, \ldots, N. \end{align} \]

The column generation algorithm is useful when \(N\) is extremely large number.

Algorithm: Column Generation

\(\quad\) 1. Pick a subset of columns \(\left\{ \mathbf{A}_j \right\}\) and variables \(x_j\)'s for \(j \in I\), where \(I\) is a subset of \(\left\{1, 2, \ldots, N \right\}\).
\(\quad\) 2. Solve the restricted master problem: \(\begin{align} (RMP) \quad \min \quad& \sum_{j \in I} c_j x_j \\ \quad \text{s.t.} \quad& \sum_{j \in I} \mathbf{A}_j x_j = \mathbf{b} \\ &x_j \geq 0, \quad \forall j \in I. \end{align}\).
\(\quad\quad\) Denote the optimal solution of \((RMP)\) as \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_I\).
\(\quad\) 3. Pricing subproblem: Compute all the reduced costs for \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}\) and decide if \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}\) is optimal for \((MP)\): \(\begin{align} w = \min_{j = 1, \ldots, N} \left\{ c_j - \mathbf{c}^T_B \mathbf{B}^{-1} \mathbf{A}_k \right\}, \end{align}\)
\(\quad\quad\) where \(\mathbf{B}\) is the optimal basis obtained from solving the \((RMP)\). There are two possibilities for \(w\):
\(\quad\quad\) (a) If \(w \geq 0\), then all the reduced costs are nonnegative, therefore \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}\) is optimal for \((MP)\). Terminate.
\(\quad\quad\) (b) If \(w < 0\), pick the column \(j\) with the minimum reduced cost, and add \(\mathbf{A}_j\) to the subset of columns, i.e., \(I \leftarrow I \cup \left\{ j \right\}\). \(\quad\quad\quad\) Repeat from Step (2).

Remarks on Step 2:

  1. Since (RMP) has all the constraints in the master problem \((MP)\), the optimal solution \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_I\) of \((RMP)\) satisfies all the demand. Moreover, \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_I\) only contains components \(x_j\) for \(j \in I\). We can set all the other components \(x_j = 0\) for \(j \notin I\). This provides us a feasible solution, \(\hat{\mathbf{x}} = \left( \hat{\mathbf{x}}_I, 0 \right)\) , to \((MP)\).

  2. \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}\) is a basic feasible solution of \((MP)\). Consider a case where simplex method was used to solve \((RMP)\). When the simplex method terminates on \((RMP)\), it finds an optimal solution \(\hat{\mathbf{x}}_I\) of \((RMP)\) and the associated basis matrix \(\hat{\mathbf{B}}\). This basis matrix has the same number of rows as the constraint matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) and it is invertible, therefore, \(\hat{\mathbf{B}}\) is also a basis matrix for \((MP)\).