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Modelling Using Linear Programs

Transportation Problem

Suppose there are suppliers and customers. The 'th supplier can supply up to units of supply, and the 'th customer has units of demand. It costs to transport a unit of product from 'th supplier to the 'th customer. We want to find a transportation schedule to satisfy all demands with minimum transportation cost.

Let denote the amount of product trasnported from 'th supplier to 'th customer for and . The LP is then:

Maximum Flow Problem

pwl pwl

Figure 1: Maximum flow problem

Let for , where is the set of arcs. Figure 2 shows the I/O for a single node.

pwl pwl

Figure 2: Maximum flow problem on a single node

Then we can formulate the problem as an LP:

Here, the first constraint is called the flow conservation constraint. The second constraint is called the

Shortest Path Problem

Figure 3 shows a directed network, where then number on each edge is the distance for traversing that edge. We want to go from starting point to the target point .

pwl pwl

Figure 3: Shortest path problem

The basic idea is to find a minimum cost way to ship 1 unit of flow from to all other nodes as shown in Figure 4.

pwl pwl

Figure 3: Shortest path problem reformulated

The shortest distance from to can be formulated as an LP: