Discrete Fourier Transform
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) extracts the frequency contents (frequencies and their phase relationships) of any discrete sequence regardless of what the sequence represents. Consider a continuous sinusoidal signal \(x(t)\). Sampling at \(f_s\) over \(N\) samples yields to a discrete signal \(x(n) \in \mathbb{C}^N\), where \(n = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1\) is the sampling index. DFT determines the spectral content of the input \(x(n)\) at \(N\) equally spaced \(k = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1\) frequency points.
The fundamental frequency is \(w = \frac{2 \pi }{ N}\) or equivalently \(f = \frac{f_s}{ N}\). All other analysis frequencies will be multiples of the fundamental frequency, i.e., \(f_k = \frac{k f_s}{N}\).
Fourier Basis
The \(k\)'th frequency basis is defined as \(w_k (n) \triangleq w^{(k)}_n = \exp \left\{ j \frac{2 \pi}{N} n k \right\}\) for \(k, n = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1\). Note that this is a complex exponential series at frequencies \(w = \frac{2\pi}{N}k\) with \(k = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1\). As \(k\) increases, the fundamental frequency increases. The highest it can reach is at \(w = \pi\) at \(N / 2\).
The set of \(N\) signals in \(\mathbb{C}^N\), \(\left\{\boldsymbol{\omega}^{(k)} \right\}_{k = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1}\) is an orthogonal basis in \(\mathbb{C}^N\) since:
Note that the vectors are not orthonormal and requires a normalization factor of \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\). The normalization factor should be explicit in DFT formulas.
Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm
A signal \(\mathbf{x}\) can be expressed in Fourier basis as \(X_k = \langle \boldsymbol{\omega}^{(k)}, \mathbf{x} \rangle\) which is the analysis formula, and the inverse process can be done as \(\mathbf{x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum^{N - 1}_{k = 0} X_k \boldsymbol{w}^{(k)}\) which is the synthesis formula.
Let \(W = \exp\left\{ -j \frac{2 \pi}{N} \right\}\). The change of basis matrix \(\mathbf{W}\) with \(\mathbf{W}(n, m) = W^{nm}_{N}\) is:
Then we can write the analysis formula as \(\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{W} \mathbf{x}\) and the synthesis formula as: \(\mathbf{x} = \frac{1}{N} \mathbf{W}^H \mathbf{X}\).
Explicitly writing the analysis and synthesis formula yields to the following table:
Formula | Continuous FT | \(N\)-Point Discrete FT |
Analysis | \(X(f) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} x(t) \exp \left\{ -j 2 \pi f t \right\} dt\) | \(\begin{align*} X(k) &= \sum^{N - 1}_{n = 0} x(n) \exp\left\{ -j \frac{2 \pi}{N} nk \right\}, \ k = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1\end{align*}\) |
Synthesis | \(x(t) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int X(f) \exp \left\{j 2 \pi f t \right\}df\) | \(\begin{align*}x(n) &= \frac{1}{N} \sum^{N - 1}_{m = 0} X(k) \exp\left\{ j \frac{2 \pi}{N} nk \right\}, \ n = 0, 1, \ldots, N - 1 \end{align*}\) |
The exact frequencies of the different sinusoids depend on both the sampling rate \(f_s\) at which the original signal was sampled, and the number of samples \(N\). For example, if we are sampling a continuous signal at a rate of \(500\)Hz and perform a 16-point DFT on the sampled data, the fundamental frequency of the sinusoids is \(31.25\)Hz.
Property | Definition |
Conjugate Symmetry | When the input sequence \(x(n)\) is real, the complex DFT outputs for \(k = 1\) to \(k = \lfloor N / 2 \rfloor\) are redundant with frequency output values for \(k > \lceil N / 2 \rceil\). The \(k\)'th and \((N - k)\)'th outputs are related by: \(\begin{align*} &X(k) = \|X(k)\| \angle X(k) = \|X(N - k)\| \angle - X(N - k), \ \text{for} \ 1 \leq k \leq \lfloor N / 2 \rfloor \\ &X(k) = X^* (N - k). \end{align*}\). Hence, for \(N\)-point DFT on a real input sequence, only the first \(N / 2 + 1\) terms are independent. |
Magnitude | Given DFT transformation on an input signal with frequency \(f < f_s / 2\) peak amplitude \(A_0\) with an integral number of cycles over \(N\) input samples, the output amplitude for that particular sinewave (\(M_r\)) is: \(\begin{align*} &M_r = A_0 N / 2 \\ &\|X(k)\| = \sqrt{\text{Re}\left\{ X(k) \right\}^2 + \text{Im}\left\{ X(k) \right\}^2} \end{align*}\) |
Phase | \(\angle X(k) = \tan^{-1} \frac{\text{Im}\left\{ X(k) \right\}}{\text{Re}\left\{ X(k) \right\}}\) |
DFT of Length-M Step
Consider a length-\(M\) step (non-zero only in \(0\) to \(M - 1\)) in \(\mathbb{C}^N\):
Computing the DFT:
Short-Time Fourier Transform Algorithm
Time representation obfuscates frequency and frequency representation obfuscates time. For a time-varying frequencies, it's better to plot spectrogram.
The idea behind STFT is to take small signal pieces of length \(L\) and look at the DFT of each piece:
where \(m\) is the starting point for the localized DFT and \(k\) is the DFT index for that chunk. Given sampling rate \(f_s\), the highest positive frequency available will be \(f_s / 2\). The frequency resolution will be \(f_s / L\) and the width of the time slices will be \(L t_s = L / f_s\).
Interpreting DFT Spectrum
For real signals, magnitutde plots need only \(\lfloor N / 2 \rfloor + 1\) frequencies. The vertical axis is the mantitude \(|X(k)|\) and the horizontal axis is the analysis frequencies.
- Frequency cofficients, \(k\) are from \(0\) to \(N - 1\).
- The first \(N / 2\) coefficients correspond to frequencies less than \(\pi\) (counterclockwise rotation).
- The second \(N / 2\) coefficients correspond to frequencies greater than \(\pi\) (clockwise rotation).
- Low frequency bands are close to \(0\) and \(N - 1\) (slow rotation around the unit circle either counterclockwise or clockwise).
- High frequency band is centered around \(N / 2\).
- Sudden transitions in a time sequence represents high-frequency components (as well as increase in frequency components).
- Square magnitude of \(k\)-th DFT coefficient is proportional to signal's energy at frequency \(w = \frac{2 \pi}{N} k\).